Your Stories

A problem shared is a problem halved...

Researchers have actually proved that the best way to beat stress is to share your feelings – and sharing with someone in the same situation yields the best results. Many of us bottle things up, but this platform provides a safe place for you to share your stories, and help others. Overcoming mental health is amazing and a story that is so worth sharing with others.

Paula's Story

After a few hard years of a large amount of family bereavement, there was a day at school where I fainted for the first time. I hoped this was a one-off, but the fainting grew more and more until it was twice a day and was seriously affecting my life. My behavior started to get worse and I found myself getting a lot angrier with teachers. I had various medical tests, saw many specialists and yet nobody had an explanation for what was going on.

Emily's Story

I have always been someone who worries about things, letting them take over my mind, no matter how big or small the issue is. I remember at school things like public speaking and having to do presentations in front of a room full of classmates would send me into meltdown, causing me such worry and stress for weeks leading up to the event.

Emma's Story

I have struggled with depression and anxiety for a long time. My struggle is constant and I don’t always recognise it in every situation but it is always there looming over me and takes a hold of every decision I make. The battle is never over and I’ve still got a long way to go but I’m just proud I made it this far and if I can make it this far, I can definitely make it even further!

Samantha's Story

Before I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and severe ADHD, I was quite oblivious to mental health issues. Since then, I have gained a much deeper insight on how society views and deals with these issues. I have also come to realise how my words affect the way people interact with me, and how they view me as a person. Words are powerful, which is why I have said publicly, “when I keep quiet, stigma wins – and I can’t let that happen”.

Matilda's Story

It wasn’t until I was in sixth form that I opened up to my mum about my mental health. She noticed my behaviour was affecting my everyday life, including college, and we had a conversation about the appropriate steps we could take going forward to find a solution. She booked a doctor’s appointment for me and that’s when I was diagnosed with social anxiety and depression.

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