The 5-Step Weekly Routine For Living A Successful And Happy Life.

Table of Contents

Definition Of Success

First things first: Planning and organizing your week in advance is crucial if you aimed to be successful. Because in order to get the results that you desire to experience you need to plan everything out in detail.
There are no shortcuts in creating a happy, successful and fulfilling life. To achieve the life you want, you need to create a vision of your future self, set SMART goals that align with that vision and develop the action habit that will help you to turn your dreams into realities. In other words, you need to structure the perfect plan for your success and filling your calendar with the right things is the first step in doing so. 

Filling up your weekly schedule with your own priorities will not only maximize your chances of success in life but it will also help you to find happiness in your achievements.

So let’s not waste any more time dreaming about living a successful, happy and fulfilling life. Let’s create healthy habits and powerful weekly routine that will lead you straight towards the life you want. It’s time to address 5 areas of your life and create a weekly routine for success and happiness. Have fun!!

powerful weekly routine

Switch To “Being” Mode And Create A Successful Life

Having Mode – Success and Happiness is measured by wealth and material possessions.

Being Mode – Success and Happiness is measured by happiness and joy of improving one’s life.

1. Plan Out Your Wealth

Money can’t buy happiness but they can buy financial freedom and open door to opportunities you didn’t have before. For instance, if you’re struggling financially you cannot afford the highest-ranked University even if you’ve got accepted, you’re not able to travel abroad and see the most beautiful sights for yourself, you cannot improve your healthy eating habits by adding more organic food products into your diet and you cannot afford major medical insurance. All of these “can’t” causes a lot of stress, anxiety and worry. That’s why it is so important to take care of financial health and start building your future wealth right now.

Money is not a goal but if used wisely it becomes a powerful tool to reach your objectives and make your dreams come true. So if you want to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling and balanced life you need to start taking care of your financial health. And the best way to do that is to start planning your wealth. And to help you with that here are top 5 habits for financial stability and success that you can begin developing in the upcoming week.

Plan The Upcoming Week:

  1. Create a successful weekly budget
  2. Set your savings goals
  3. Set career goals
  4. engage side hustle

Goals & Intentions Worksheet

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2. Unlock Your Creative Potential

Albert Einstein once said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” I don’t know about you, but I personally think that this is the best description of human potential. Such a shame that most of the people tend to forget about that. So they focus on increasing their intelligence completely forgetting to channel their creative side. And as a result, they unwittingly deprive themselves of joy, happiness and bliss.

If you ask me, I do think that such an approach causes an enormous loss for both society and the individual. Just think of how many invention ideas would be already turned into life-changing products if only people started to realize their true potential. So if you feel that you are destined for greatness you should start engaging in activities that nourish your creative side. It’s time to tap into your inner self, bring out your artistic side and create something spectacular. And to help you with that, I’ve listed below some fun ways to fire up that creative spark.

Plan The Upcoming Week:

  1. Learn photography with The Photography Super Bundle here – ( My absolutely favourite collection of online classes and easy-to-follow eBooks in the Photography Super Bundle.)
  2. Try the Gardening & Sustainable Living Bundle here ( Get 33 eBooks, eCourses, and printables designed to help you grow delicious veggies, preserve your food, maximize your garden space, raise animals for ONLY $19.97)
  3. 10 questions to unlock your creative potential here
  4. Make homemade natural, organic and non-toxic skincare here
  5. Try new, healthy meal recipes
  6. Get started with creative writing
  7. Start a side hustle
  8. Fuel your passion
  9. Start growing your own food here
  10. DIY birthday presents for your family and friends

Goals & Intentions Worksheet

“Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.”

3. Focus On Building Mental Toughness

Success starts in your head. If you want to transform your life, find joy in your journey and achieve what you want in life you need to develop and maintain a strong mindset. This kind of mental toughness will help you to stay focused and motivated on achieving your goals even in the face of adversity. Because life is not a piece of cake and you need to be prepared to face challenges when they present themselves. You need to be tough, self-disciplined and determined to succeed. In other words, you need to be success-oriented. Otherwise, every challenge and obstacle in the path to your goal will demotivate you from trying harder.

Your mindset is everything. It will determine if you will succeed or you will stop trying. That’s why if you are pessimistic, obsessed over worst-case scenarios and extremely afraid of taking on new challenges you’re setting yourself up to fail. Whereas if, you are mentally strong, highly motivated and committed to your goals you will eventually succeed. It all depends on you. So if you want to become a highly successful person you need to upgrade your mindset for success. And to help you with that here are 5 ways to build mental strength and develop mental toughness:

Plan The Upcoming Week:

  1. Challenge yourself – do one thing that scares you every single day
  2. Work on turning your weaknesses into strengths
  3. Master self-discipline
  4. Cultivate a positive mental attitude
  5. Increase your emotional intelligence through journaling
  6. Practice gratitude

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Treat Your Self With Self-Care Bundle

“There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.”

4. Create A Self-Improvement Plan

Today’s society places a lot of emphasis on formal education, which, in and of itself, is a great thing. At the same time, however, we should not underestimate the importance of self-education. Because while earning a degree will certainly advance your career, you should not forget that formal education is strictly limited to specific knowledge, skills and abilities. As for the autodidactism, the benefits go beyond career advancement.

Learning doesn’t end when your formal education does – actually, it’s exactly when true learning, developing your skills and improving your personality begins. This process is called-personal growth and it has nothing to do with school.

Personal growth is a lifelong process of transforming your life, improving yourself and evolving as a person in order to reach your full potential so much needed for success. So if you want to succeed and find happiness in your success you need to dedicate your life to constant self-improvement and personal development.

Create your self-improvement plan for the upcoming week. Think about specific skills, abilities and knowledge you want to develop in order to evolve as a person and make time for that. It’s time to commit to conscious growth. 

Plan The Upcoming Week:

  1. Learn new skill
  2. Start reading a Self-Improvement book to stimulate your brain
  3. Gain Inspiration – watch motivational TED talks, listen to an interesting podcast
  4. Get rid of one negative habit and replace it with a positive one
  5. Improve your time management skills
  6. Plan creative activities to boost your potential

Goals & Intentions Worksheet

Improve Your Photography Skills With This Bundle

Photography Super Bundle 2019

5. Plan Out Your Enjoyment

You cannot enjoy your journey if you focus only on achieving your goals and building your future wealth. If you want to live a successful and happy life you need to focus on and create more joy in your life. In other words, you need to start creating your happiness. 

Many people wrongly believe that happiness is something they find outside themselves. That’s why they look for something or someone special that would make them permanently happy. And when they don’t find it, they blame others or the circumstances for their unhappiness. Which is ironic, since true happiness has nothing to do with the external.

True happiness is self-created. You have the power, ability and capacity to create your own happiness but first, you need to take responsibility for your own experience. Your life is in your hands. No matter what has happened in the past or what’s going on right now in your life, you create your reality with the power of your thought, words and actions. So stop looking for happiness outside yourself and focus on your inner self to boost your happy hormones naturally. Create a personal plan for happiness and fill your days with the things you love doing.

Plan The Upcoming Week:

  1. Plan your time alone  – go on a solo date
  2. Plan valuable time with your family & friends 
  3. Treat yourself with delicious food
  4. Take yourself on a new adventure –  discover a new coffee shop, restaurant or fun spot in your city
  5. Take time for ease & relaxation

Goals & Intentions Worksheet

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Best Posts About Achieving Goals:

  1. Maximize Your Productivity: 6-Step Method To Get More Things Done In Less Time. HERE
  2. Perfect Morning Routine to Reduce Stress & Anxiety HERE 
  3. The Ultimate Guide For Setting & Reaching Your Goals HERE
  4. 6 Self-Improvement Habits To Adopt in 2020 HERE
  5. Get into the Habit of Being Seriously Organized in 2020. HERE
  6. 8 Simple Steps to Set Yourself Up for a Successful 2020 HERE
  7. Powerful and smart ways to manage your time efficiently and effectively HERE
  8. 5 steps to success in achieving your goals HERE

Stay positive

Be Mindful

and create a powerful weekly routine for success and happiness

xo Kate

The post The 5-Step Weekly Routine For Living A Successful And Happy Life. appeared first on Holistic Life by Kate.

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